All of the priorities in my Police and Crime Plan are aimed not only at making Gloucestershire a good place to live, work and visit but also about ensuring a society that is fair, just and compassionate. That compassion extends to animals and their ability to enjoy a life free of cruelty.
The sight of the tumblers restored Bob Sawyer to a degree of equanimity which he had not possessed since his interview with his landlady. His face brightened up, and he began to feel quite convivial. The dismal man readily complied; a circle was again formed round the table, and harmony once more prevailed. Some lingering irritability appeared to find a resting-place in Mr. Winkle’s bosom, occasioned possibly by the temporary abstraction of his coat – though it is scarcely reasonable to suppose that so slight a circumstance can have excited even a passing feeling of anger in a Pickwickian’s breast.
Many studies have demonstrated links between cruelty perpetrated on animals by people who then go on to offend against other people. I will work with partner agencies to ensure enforcement action is taken against those who break laws to protect animals from cruelty or neglect.
I will continue to work with organisations who seek to educate in this area, such as Cheltenham Animal Shelter and its HALT project. This programme teaches compassion, respect and responsibility towards both animals and people. It works with children from across the county who have been or are in danger of being excluded from mainstream education, or have been found to suffer from low self-esteem.
I am aware of the upset an animal being stolen can cause to pet owners and will ensure crime prevention advice is made available and that cases reported to the Constabulary are investigated. I will continue to follow the work of the All Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare (APGAW) and ensure any relevant legislation or good practice is acted upon.
I am proud of the work I have achieved over the past three and a half years but there is much more to be done. Furthermore, I do not propose anything I cannot achieve, unlike my opponents who make promises they are powerless to keep because they relate to decisions that rest solely with the Chief Constable.