I was the first Police and Crime Commissioner in the country to make fighting cybercrime a policing priority and this work will continue. Since launching the safer cyber priority in 2014 the Constabulary has made excellent progress, attracting praise form the Home Secretary, local business and local people. It will strive to maintain its reputation as a leading force in the field of cyber policing.
Cybercrime is a fast-growing area of crime. More and more criminals are exploiting the speed, convenience and anonymity of the Internet to commit a diverse range of criminal activities that know no boundaries, either physical or virtual. They cause serious harm and pose very real threats to victims in Gloucestershire and further afield.
Cybercrime is not a victimless crime and I want to see greater emphasis on care and support for people who have fallen victim to such crimes, especially online fraud. All of the priorities in my Police and Crime Plan are aimed at making Gloucestershire a good place to live, work and visit. Everyone should be able to enjoy and use the internet to further enrich their lives and knowledge or business in this digital age.
In 2011 GCHQ (UK Government Communications Headquarters) stated that 80% of cybercrimes were easily preventable by implementing simple safety measures. By doing this, everyone can begin to truly enjoy and utilise the amazing technologies and resources available to us all on the Internet.
I will encourage the police and other agencies and groups to take a ‘prevent, protect, prepare and pursue’ approach to cybercrime and I will hold the police to account against those four areas of activity.
I do not propose anything I cannot achieve, unlike my opponents who make promises they are powerless to keep because they relate to decisions that rest solely with the Chief Constable.