UPDATE RECEIVED — confirmation from Gloucestershire Police …Tory PCC Nelson has recruited none of the 150 extra police officers he promised in his 2021 election manifesto.
All efforts to establish how many full-time police officers the Gloucestershire Constabulary have failed according to former Police & Crime Commissioner Martin Surl who is standing for re-election in May 2024.
The numbers just dont add up
When I left office in May 2021, I know the force had 1262 police officers and was shocked to hear the current Tory PCC promise to double the 150 extra that the government had funded back in 2019 to 300 before he would face the electorate again on May 2nd. Has he?
The only publicly available figure show next year there is only funding for 1255 officers, so something doesn’t add up.
The money was never there
I wish I could have made such a promise, but I knew the funding wasn’t there and that any available funding would be needed for upgrades to police IT systems and public contact. That’s in fact what has been delivered, but that was in my manifesto, not his.
We have a right to know and not to be misled
The public has the right to know firstly how many police officers the force has, and secondly if their elected PCC has delivered his election promise, or misled them.
In December 2023 three simple question were asked and until I receive a reply, I’ll not accuse PCC Nelson of misleading the public. These are the questions Gloucestershire Police must answer.
The questions that Gloucestershire Police must answer, but haven’t
1. How many officers do you have?
2. Since May 2021 how many additional full-time warranted police officers were recruited from funding provided by the police uplift programme? (announced in 2018 and fully funded long before he took office)
3. Since May 2021 how many additional full-time warranted police officers were funded from other sources?
Did the Tory PCC mislead us? – We’ll pass judgement at the ballot box
Still no reply has been received despite frequent reminders, but if the extra 150 full time police officers funded by the government has not been doubled as promised to 300, I’ll invite the public to pass their judgement at the ballot box.